Alexandra Cabana Outeiro
Born in Cangas do Morrazo in 1975, she was raised in Lugo and currently lives in rural Lugo.
Graduated in History from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), where she also obtained her doctorate in 2003, she is a specialist in paleography and medieval history. Her doctoral thesis focused on the edition of the Tomb H of the Cathedral of Santiago, about which she advanced questions in different articles and of which a first part was awarded the Ferro Couselo de Investigación in 2001. Her fidelity to the medieval Galician language made her transcend of the usual palaeographic criteria in Galician historiography and palaeography to make an own contribution linked to the philological editions. This ability to meet between historiographical and philological perspectives made her part of the team of the Medieval Informatized Treasure of the Galician Language (TMILG) from 2003 to 2006, and of the Technical Commission of Gallaeciae Monumenta Historica (CCG) since 2019, within which she prepared the compilation Edited sources for the Historia Medieval de Galicia. The last twenty-five years (1986-2011).
Actively involved in the dissemination of history and cultural heritage, she was vice-president of the Galician Association of Historians (AGH) and founder and coordinator of I sipped Galician History Magazine, in which he has published several articles on heritage and the Galician language in the Middle Ages, in addition to other contributions. He has collaborated with different companies and organizations in the creation of exhibitions, preparation of guides and itineraries, highlighting his own Guide to the Province of Lugo in co-authorship with Darío Xohán Cabana or the exhibition and publication 250 years of the San Froilán Fairs with DeHistoria.
Professor of Secondary Education, works as a teacher of Geography, History and Art at IES da Terra Chá (Castro Ribeiras de Lea). In his teaching work, he emphasizes linguistic dynamism and interdisciplinarity and transversality, as well as the dissemination and conservation of heritage. It also highlights his experience and training in the management of educational centers in general, and in school libraries in particular, issues that he has dealt with in various articles and presentations at meetings, congresses and teacher training activities.