Contribution to the agrarian socio-economy of medieval Galicia: heroic viticulture in the lands of Mondoñedo
The city and hinterland of Vilamaior de Mondoñedo - core of the extensive Mindonian episcopal see, territorial heir of the diocese of Britonia and institutional of the bishopric of Dumio - is located in the heart of Cantabrian Galicia, a geography that, from a geological and edaphological perspective, was not very favorable for the implementation and development of viticulture. However, written sources relating to the presence of vine cultivation and the production and marketing of wine have proliferated significantly since the middle of the 13th century. This historical event was transformed into a transcendental support in the social and economic evolution of medieval Mindona. Its footprint ends up being evident in agricultural cycles, in legislation, in the tax system, in crafts and commerce, in the urban landscape, etc.
Carlos Andrés González Paz
Institute of Galician Studies Father Sarmiento
[Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) – Xunta de Galicia]
Carlos Andrés González Paz obtained the academic degree of specialist in Medieval History at the University of Porto and the academic degree of Doctor in Medieval History at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He is a researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, a joint center of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Xunta de Galicia, located in the old San Roque Hospital in Santiago de Compostela. In addition, he is an associate researcher at the Center for City History Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela, as well as a collaborating researcher at the Transdisciplinary Research Center "Culture, Space and Memory" at the University of Porto.
His lines of research focus on the socio-economic organization of the medieval landscape of the ancient kingdom of Galicia, the social history of women in medieval Galicia and the historical phenomenon of pilgrimage, with special attention to the Camino de Santiago. In this sense, among his latest contributions, they could be related The bishopric of Mondoñedo in the Middle Ages: territory, community and power, 2 vols., Santiago de Compostela: Editorial CSIC, 2020, ou The pilgrimage of the nobility in the Middle Ages, Madrid: Editorial Hidalguía, 2021 [canda to Dr. Marta González Vázquez and Dr. Helena Guzik].